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Writing 7

                                           Modern it trend's
Hi everybody. My name is Khulan. I am going to Mongolian University Since Technology school.Everyone know modern it trend. I think about. This is electronic and communication, technology. Modern trend is smartphone, macbook etc.

Image result for what is a technological trend

You look this picture. What do you think? I think modern trend. This is so easy your electronic tools.Technological systems are sets of interconnected components that transform, store, transport, or control materials, energy, and/or information for particular purposes. In any system, how the parts work together is as important as their individual characteristics.
      Difference between a smartphone and a cell phone
When Simon debuted, the smartphone's features clearly differentiated it from other cell phones, which at that time were just telephones that didn't need a landline connection. There is no standard definition that clearly delineates a smartphone -- many devices marketed simply as cell phones offer similar features to those marketed as smartphones.
    Components of an ICT system
ICT encompasses both the internet-enabled sphere as well as the mobile powered by wireles networks. It also includes antiquated technologies, such as landline telephones, radio and tv broadcast -- all of which are still widely used today alongside cutting-edge ICT pieces such as artificial intelligence .ICT is sometimes used IT (for information technology); however, ICT is generally used to represent a broader, more comprehensive list of all components related to computer and digital technologies than IT.The list of ICT components is exhaustive, and it continues to grow. Some components, such as computers and telephones, have existed for decades. Others, such as smartphones, digital tv and robots, are more recent entries.
Educational technology
Sometimes shortened to EduTech or EdTech, is a wide field. Therefore, one can find many definitions, some of which are conflicting. Educational technology as an academic field can be considered either as a design science or as a collection of different research interests addressing fundamental issues of learning, teaching and social organization. Educational technology as practice refers to any form of teaching and learning that makes use of technology. Nevertheless, there are a few features on which most researchers and practitioners might agree:
1.   Use of technology is principled: Technology means the systematic application of scientific knowledge to practical tasks. Therefore, educational technology is based on theoretical knowledge drawn from different disciplines (communication, education, psychology, sociology, philosophy, artificial intelligence, computer science, etc.) plus experiential knowledge drawn from educational practice.
2.   Educational technology aims to improve education. Technology should facilitate learning processes and increase performance of the educational system(s) as it regards to effectiveness and/or efficiency.In this short introduction we will try to give a preliminary definition of the field.
Educational technology research always had an ambitious agenda. Sometimes it only aims at increased efficiency or effectiveness of current practise, but frequently it aims at pedagogical change. While it can be considered as a design science it also addresses fundamental issues of learning, teaching and social organization and therefore makes use of the full range of modern social science and life sciences methodology.


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