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Writing 6

Hi teacher and intelligent guys. My name is Khulan. I am going to Mongolian University Since Technology school. I am writing a network  
 So you want to set up a computer network. Right here, we have two of my computers  Macbook and PC here.And they both have Ethernet ports but where do connect them to. What I need is something like this a router. Now , a router has a bunch of ports in  the back that I can connect to  multiple computers, and it also works wireless.So I can connect them with cables. A router, you can connect Macs and PCs on combined network.These networking devices that filter traffic are called connectivity devices and they areseveral different types.   
Bridge – bridge is connectivity device that forward data based  on physical address and operate at      the network access layer in the TCP/IP
 Hub – Hub is typically do not filter data , but instead incoming data packets or frames to all parts.
 Switch – A switch simplified is a smarter version of a hub
 Router – Routers are an essential part of any TCP/IP network that would be the IP addresses.Image result for networking
Do you undesrstand this picture.It is so easy. This picture is your world.           Networking types - This lesson is about most famous connection type and advantages1.      WAN (wide area network )
Much larger than other connection types, example: whole world and it includes of the LANs and WAN2.      MAN (metropolitian area network): MANs connect two or more local area networks or campus area networks by connecting routers, switches and hubs (will be defined in hardware section), within the area of a single town or city.It includes mini network such as  LAN and PAN3.      LAN (local area network ): A LAN may be either wired or wireless and is a computer network that covers a fairly small area, such as a home, office, or small group of buildings, such as a library or airport.It shows higher speed than other for sharing data resources4.      PAN (personal area network ): A PAN is a computer network used to connect devices that are close to someone's person.Its advantage is for example you can share photos computer devices ,watch your TV from your home5.      PN (private network ): With this network any person or company connect to each other without internet and without easily their datas of internet.           So, think of a topology network's virtual shape in structure and computers are a home network be arranges in a circle in a family room other rooms. Network topologies are categorized into the following basic types.bus,ring,star,tree,wesh topologies. Topology remains an important part of network design they .You can probably build a home or small business computer network without understanding the differance between a bus design and star design  but becoming familiar with the standart topologies gives you a better understanding of impotant networking concept like hubs,broadcats and routers          When looking at networking basics, understanding how a network operates is the first step to understanding routing, switching, and wireless. The network operates by connecting computers and peripherals using switches, routers, and access points. These devices are the essential networking basics that allow the various pieces of equipment connected to your network to communicate with one another, as well as with other networks.


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