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A lot of people  say about the effects of technology on communication 
Hello. My name is Khulan. I am study.The can  effects of technology on communication. Technology is bridge in my opinion. If without technology. We paleolithic human's . And can not taken new news, and can not  communicate.If you communication.Then need to develop technology. I can do it. I living twenty-first century. I want technological advances.  
       Technology is many covering the frame. Everything based in technology. It is life everyone. Everywhere used everyone. I used technology to contact.Maybe some human's think waste.This is wrong.I am used computer everyday. Computer, smartphone and tablet's is very proper technology. These all used for communication.
       Example:  My brother living in United Kingdom States. We voice and video called every night. This is example. If without technology. I can not called my brother. So technology need in communication. 
        Maybe some people's waste think. Human's think can not live communication. And 
just correspond or speaked. I don not know . 
         Finally . Technology effects can be communication  in my . Technology is very fantastic . It is need communication and education, social, human's life .We good influence in life . This is my and you future .I can not expected without technology. This is important thing  communication. I think it is so good effects. Human's more  interested technology.    


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